Monday, August 25, 2014

Palace Visit, August 24/2014

We had breakfast and then got ready and headed for the Palace. The walk there was shorter than we expected and we had no trouble finding someone to tell us where we should be first. We were directed to the entrance that would take us to the State Rooms. To say it was spectacular would be such an understatement. The rooms were so grand. Fortunately there were audio tours complete with ear phones. Today we were not being rushed. We could spend as much time as we needed. I know a person is not supposed to have their mouths open when looking at something but it was hard not to. It was glorious and wonderful and bright and overwhelming and everything you can think of saying. I only wish they would allow you to take pictures. We spent almost 2 hours here. When we reached the exit into the garden I quickly went back to the door way and got a photo. It does not do it justice at all but I just had to be able to give you a quick glimpse.

When outside we decided to sit for a few minutes to just let it all sink in.

This was an area which was actually a lawn area before the beginning of the gardens. The gardens here were mainly lawns and shrubs. I quess I expected flower beds but this was mainly flowering shrubs of all kinds and a large water feature.

As we exited the gardens there was a BOBBY,
Yes a real live Bobby. We had a little chat and he agreed to let Ken take a picture of us.
I was surprised to see that he was armed. I always thought that Bobbies were unarmed. But I guess being at the palace meant different rules.

Our scheduled time to visit the Queen's gallery was one o'clock. We arrived there at about 12:45 so there was time to roam the gift shop. I bought a pack of 10 post cards. These have views of the grand staterooms. The pictures that I was not allowed to take. These are better because they don't have dozens of people in every shot. I will scan these and put them into the photo book.

Then we began our tour when our group was called. Again there were audio tours and we could enjoy at our leisure. The art work was breath taking and we were allowed to take pictures!!

The last part of this Family Day our tour was a visit to the Royal Mews. Again pictures were allowed :-)

By this time it was almost 3:30 and we were footsore and weary and thirsty and hungry. We stopped at a little cafe across from the Royal Mews and we shared a BLT and I had a coffee. Again it was a case of sticker shock. One coffee and one sandwich with no extras cost 8.60 pounds. So that was almost 15.00 CDN.

I had checked it out and knew there was going to be a sung mass at Westminister Cathedral. The cathedral was only a couple of blocks away so that is where we headed. This cathedral is different in that is is Byzantium  rather than Gothic or Georgian which is what we have come to expect. This red and cream brick exterior is not the usual.

Inside was more what we expected. It was beautiful and spiritual. I could see how moving this would be to members of this faith. I lit a candle for our friend Marilyn.
We arrived in the midst of a mass and the canter was quite spectucular. earl would be impressed for sure. Then to thrill us the sounds of the massive pipe organ rang out from behind us. The notes were so amazing that they rose goose flesh. Such sounds can not be described, they have to be experienced!!!

Another mass was  beginning when we left and the sounds of the organ rang as we exited the building.
It was a short 15 minute walk back to our hotel. It was not long before we had eaten our dinner and headed to bed. It was a long, exciting, memorable,and  amazing day.

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