Friday, August 29, 2014

Blarney Castle

Blarney Castle

Blarney Castle was built nearly six hundred years ago by one of Ireland's greatest chieftains, Cormac MacCarthy, and has been attracting attention beyond Munster ever since. Over the last few hundred years, millions have flocked to Blarney, making it a world landmark and one of Ireland's greatest treasures.
Now that might have something to do with the Blarney Stone, the legendary Stone of Eloquence, found at the top of our Tower. Kiss it and you'll never again be lost for words.

We decided not to go to the top and kiss the stone. We had only so much time and to spend it standing in line seemed a poor choice so instead we toured the rest of the grounds.

Odds and Ends,
The internet on the ship is the slowest I have experienced and so the posts have been minimal.
It is now 5:45 and I have discovered that it is much faster so I am going to try to fill you in on a bunch of things before everyone else gets up and it is slow again.
We got checked in without a problem but our room is not what we like because instead of having a night table on either side of the bes there is a double night table on one side and the other side is against the wall.( Bummer). We asked Thomas, our steward if it could be changed and he said it couldn’t. Fortunately it is on my side and Ken has to crawl in. J

Thomas got me a lovely vase for my roses so they are no longer in a Pringles container.

We were able to get our table changed so we are eating with Barb and Roy.
I got the wall set up with the magnets to hold all of our papers and notices.

We received not one but 4 gifts from our travel agency. One from our agent Kim ( a coffee card) and 3 from her company,( 2 different bottles of wine and a 8x10  framed photo enlargement of our choice). We are assuming it is three gifts because we booked three cruises.
Thursday night was the roughest night at sea that we have ever experiences and I was able to sleep through most of it and I didn’t get sick so this location may turn out to be alright. People all over the ship were commenting on how bad it was.
So far our tours have been amazing. We are loving everything and I can’t imagine being able to remember it all to put it in the photo book. I have found that the shoes I bought are perfect for the cobble stone streets. I can’t imagine trying to walk on the uneven surface with heels or other leather soled shoes.

I will do better with telling you all about the tours hopfully . But there is no time. For example we get back to the ship at nine o’clock tonight and tomorrow’s tour begins at 8 in the morning. So when can I squeeze in journaling. ?? I am just hoping that the pictures will spark the memories when we have sea days and I can write.

Lunch with Barb and Roy in Cork

BUT we are having a fabulous time. Keep following us. We will be in Liverpool on the Mersey in a few hours. Amazing!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wait Carolyn - are those your September french fries early? Or...?

Howard B