Sunday, July 17, 2011

One cruise ends, another begins

Whittier, Alaska
Because we were not leaving the ship we slept in and had a leisurely breakfast.
I happened to turn the television to the Princess channel and I heard Sammy talking about Whittier and what you could do there. She talked about the gift shops and the museum. She did such a good job that I decided that I wanted to go into Whittier. So after breakfast away we went. It was cute and quaint and I quite enjoyed it. I bought a pair of very nice Made in Alaska earrings. We also got pins and patches and post cards. On the return to the ship we picked up brochures on possible tours that we can take the next time we are in Alaska.
When back on the ship, we had lunch and then we changed into out swim suits and we went to the inside hot tub on the Lido deck. Because very few have boarded yet we had the place practically to ourselves. But when we were taking pictures of each other a gentleman offered to take a picture of us together, which was very nice of him.
We came back to our stateroom and we had showers and a nap and then got ready for dinner.
We are in the same dining room but not at the same table. We are at table 49. So far we have met 2 table mates… Jack and Jenny and they are from Oregon. We have a lot in common. They love Princess and they have a pull trailer and they love to travel. He is 61 so they are younger than we are. The other couple had not yet arrived.
After dinner we came back to our room because we do not have to go to the drill with the life jackets. For sail away we walked the stairs to the top of the ship but it was raining quite heavily so we did not go outside. It is interesting to see all of the new arrivals get lost. We are the old hands and after a week we know where we are going. A nice feeling.
The pools and hot tubs are full already so we are glad that we had them all to ourselves this afternoon.
We are just going to relax this evening and not take in any of the on board activities.
Glacier sailing tomorrow!!

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