Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 2, Glacier Bay

Glacier Bay Again,
Today is another day to spend in Glacier Bay.
We got up early and then we went to the dining room for breakfast. First we stopped at the Lobby Bar to get a mug of perked coffee. It is so good compared to the regular stuff they serve.
We sat with very nice people again. There were 3 young ladies who have travelled extensively and they were interesting to chat with.
Next we gathered our warm duds and we went up to deck 15. The rangers were setting up and we were able to each get a pin. We tried last time but we were too late, they had sold out.
Then we watched a little from up top. It was rainy and misty and foggy and you couldn’t see much. I came back here to blog and then when we arrived at the Margerie Glacier the fog had lifted and the rain had stopped so we were able to get a good look. It was not calving as much as it was last week but the captain was able to get the ship a lot closer. I took entirely too many pictures. But it was great.
By then it was almost two o’clock and I had not eaten or taken my pills so I went to the buffet and picked up 2 sandwiches and 2 cookies for Ken and I to share. By noon we were cold and tired so we took a little rest and warmed up.
Next were John Hopkins, Lampaugh and Reid Glaciers. Thankfully the weather was much improved so people could enjoy the spectacular up close views.
This was the day to celebrate my birthday. I know it is not until August 7 but you can celebrate is the date is within a month of your cruise. I have a lovely card, a door sign, and balloons this morning and then they say Happy Birthday tonight at dinner.
Everyone was at the table tonight. Jim was just as quiet tonight.
As soon as we were finished eating we took off for the theatre. Darren Romeo was the performer tonight and we knew it would be a full house. Fortunately we were able to get our favorite seats and we were able to enjoy the show again. His magic is amazing and his singing voice is equally amazing.
After the show we decided to go to the Wheelhouse to enjoy the band.” Serious Sounds” is a 4 piece group from Barbados and they are amazing.Their music is very mellow and very danceable and they are not too loud. We walked by and heard them last evening so we decided that we would have to return, and this was the night.
 At dinner Jennifer had the drink of the day which was called Ocean Breeze…she gave me a taste and it was great so I ordered one at the Wheelhouse. When it arrived it did not look at all like it should. Jennifer’s Ocean Breeze was a beautiful blue green color because it has blue Curaceau and pineapple juice. I mentioned this and the waiter went back to the bartender to check. It turned out that a mistake was made and so I was brought the blue green drink but they gave me the first drink at no charge. Three different time people asked why there were three drinks and only 2 people at the table.
When the set was over we called it a night and returned to our stateroom. By now it was after eleven so it really was time to call an end to a very long day.

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