Friday, July 8, 2011

North to Alaska!!

The packing is well underway. As usual the problem is "what do I take?"
Because we are not flying we can take all that we would like to take. But we are trying to keep it down to one suitcase each because we will be flying when we go to South America and this should be an opportunity to practice "downsizing" so to speak. I was doing fine and then last night Ken asked me if I was taking enough warm clothes. So another sweater got added and who knows what will get tossed in before tomorrow morning arrives.
The last time we were in Alaska it was so warm that we needed shorts which we didn't have so it really is a guessing game.

I'm so excited.
North to Alaska
We're going North
The rush is on!!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We see that Princess is hiring in all categories, so wonder if you will be scooped for PR and never come back!The cruises would be FREE and you would get paid too!
Don't consider it for too long.
Have fun.
Bob and Janet