Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Our Day In Curacao

Hato Caves,
If you read the description of our tour you know what we did for the day.

First stop was the Curacao Museum. It really was as good as or better than we expected. Our guide was very good and she explained all of the pieces that we saw. There were lots of mahogany pieces. We saw bedroom and dining room furnishings and the design of the houses so they took full advantage of the trade winds was really interesting.

There was a reproduction of a kitchen and it was amusing to see that the walls were brightly colored and decorated with large poka dots. They said that the dots confuse the flies. They do not know where to land so it keeps the flies down in the kitchen.

Outside there was a display of some of the various kinds of housing that was used by the early people of Aruba. There were the thatched structures used by the Arawack Indians.

The simple structures used by the freed slaves

The tin can houses that were used by the early workers in the oil fields


When we were finished at the bus we boarded our bus and headed to the caves. We had to climb 49 steps but the steps were very well made so they were not difficult. The caves are amazing and really worth visiting. There was one spot where were allowed to take pictures . I tried to get some good ones. Again the guide was excellent and we received a lot of information. The tour took almost an hour and it was well worth it.

Our final stop was at the Curacao distillery. It was the same as it was 2 weeks ago when we were here. We enjoyed a strawberry smoothie.
Then it was back to the ship. We had our lunch in the Internet Café.
We had a rest
We went for dinner and enjoyed the company of our table mates. We went to the show at the theatre and it was Broadway Ballroom. They did a fantastic job. Even better that last time.

We finished the evening by sitting on our balcony , enjoying the warm tropical evening air and a cup of hot chocolate.
Another evening and another day had come to an end.

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