Monday, February 6, 2017

Signing Off

The clock on this monitor has just rolled over to 3:45am. We are in the Calgary airport.
We began this saga more than 24 hours ago when we got the wake up call on the Caribbean Princess. We had been in isolation for the past 2 days so it was going to be good to get out of our cabin. I turned on the computer to get any last minute e-mails and discovered much to our horror that our flights had been changed. Instead of flying from FLL to Toronto and then on the Vancouver with touchdown on Sunday evening we would now go from FLL to Toronto and then on the Calgary and then on to Vancouver with long delays in between flights We would arrive in Vancouver 12 hours later than planned. YUCK! I had to quickly send a message to Kerri so she would not be waiting for us. This cold is one that as soon as you lie down you begin to cough. The cough sounds as if I am about to die. The other passengers are not going to be pleased and travelling with little or no rest for 28 hours is not exactly the perfect prescription for getting better.

I had to take pictures of this waiting area. Ken is trying to sleep and the airport is so empty and so still. It is waking up now. A few minutes ago an older Sheik gentleman began walking back and forth with a floor cleaning machine It looks very much like a walk behind Zamboni. It is so unique that I decide to get a picture of it. As the operator walks by he smiles for me.

I am wondering when they turn on the moving sidewalks when suddenly the one in front of me comes to life. Three workmen and visiting and laughing as they ride and walk on this amazing mode of transportation. There is a Tim Horton's across from where I am sitting and they have begun their day. Muffins are in place and the coffee aroma slowly floats over to me.. The clock now says 4 so soon we will be on our way again. We are due to board at 6:45. But there have been so many delays that I won't be surprised if there is another. The snow is coming down quite heavy and the pilot said it was minus 16 out there.

Because of being in isolation we were not permitted to go to the dining room for breakfast and we had to be escorted off of the ship. We were required to keep our luggage in our room and in the morning we were let directly to the sidewalk and the waiting cabs. No waiting in line for us.
We received the bill for services rendered and in total for the both of us it came to about seven hundred dollars. So much for having a small bill when this holiday was over. Hopefully insurance will cover all or most of it

We asked our table mate Candi to take our tips and thank you notes to Pat and Darwin and Rui. We still have half a bottle of wine that we planned to have on formal night. So we wrote and asked Pat to serve it to Candi and Sherri and Angie and Nathan. We were able to thank Rakesh our selves. I had plans to purchase tees for Emmie and Leo but that plan died with the isolation.

We did have a most enjoyable month at sea. We really missed Fred and Mary and Randy and Janeen when they left but it was nice to meet new table mates also.
We saw and did lots of amazing things and made lots of good memories.
The little glitch of the Flu was just that a glitch. It could have been so much worse if it had happened at the beginning of the cruise instead of the end. All of the changes and delays to our travel plans for the trip home was not pleasant but it really would have been a disaster if we has been travelling with small children.

We are headed home to lots of snow which is a complete surprise. I expected to see my daffodils poking through the ground.
We have 3 weeks to completely empty the house at Waterleaf. What a challenge that will be!~!
We left so early that all of our Christmas decorations are still in place. Perhaps I will add some hearts to everything and call them Valentine decorations.
I have only completed 4 of the hundred toques that I need to have done by the beginning of October so all of my evenings will be taken up, that is for sure.
I am looking forward to doing a lot of entertaining in our new home. Lots of dinner parties including old friends and hopefully new friends also.
We have not made definite plans for the summer but we know we will be doing something special to celebrate an important birthday.
We cruise with Fred and Mary in January and hopefully Randy and Janeen will find that they can join us.
I can't say for certain when the blog will continue but check in August, the birthday month.

Till Then
Choose to be happy
We are going this way only once.


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