Friday, February 3, 2017

A Party Bus!!

Is This A Party Bus??
We did not plan an excursion this time in Aruba but we went to the shore excursion desk and managed to get a beach day planned, here is what the description said:
The adventure begins when you board your fun and unique mode of transport for the day-a banana bus, Take a short trip along Aruba’s stunning west coast to your first stop of the day, the California Lighthouse. This brief photo stop offers panoramic views of the island. The building itself is a fascinating structure, named for the steamship “California” which sank off the coast of Aruba. Climb back into your banana bus and travel to MooMba Beach, a watering hole in the hotel zone of Palm Beach. Relax on the sandy beach in your complimentary lounge chair, and enjoy the stunning surroundings. MooMba Beach also offers a full service bar and restaurant, restrooms and changing facilities, outdoor fresh water showers and a gift shop for souvenir hunting.
That description was very accurate. The ride was in a banana bus.
A banana bus is a vehicle which has had its sides painted in amusing graffiti with lots of bananas. Two buses were waiting for us.

 One had both sides painted and I would discover at the lighthouse that only one side of our bus was complete. We all offered to paint it if they would supply the materials.
The windows had been removed and the first bus had amusing wooden doors.

 The seats were metal and not very ample. I wondered how some people were able to sit with their partners. Anyway our tickets were taken as we boarded the bus. As soon as the bus began to roll the driver introduced himself, Gerald was his name, and he told us about our journey. He pointed out some of the sites along the way and then the music began. It blasted through-out the bus and through the neighboring streets since there were no windows. Soon passengers were singing along and cheering as we travelled along the beautiful countryside.
Our first stop was at the lighthouse. We had been here before and we were pleased to note that it was freshly painted. There were vendors there selling beverages and souvenirs. They were not pushy.

When we arrived at MooMba beach we were shown where the restrooms and showers were and we were shown where our lounge chairs could be found. We chose a spot where Ken could be in the sun and I could be in at least partial shade. We spent time in the water and in the lounge, enjoyed a smoothie and just relaxed. The sand was soft like icing sugar and the sun was warm and there was a wonderful cooling breeze. It was a special morning. We had to meet the bus at 12:45.

We gathered our things and went to the assigned meeting place. As we boarded the bus we were each given a noise making gourd. The loud music began and soon everyone was singing along and shaking the maracas. Macarena was the loudest song. At one point the driver said we were approaching his ex girlfriend’s house when we got there young women with long range water guns sprayed the bus and since we had no windows some of us got wet.
They have round abouts on the island and twice when we got to one the driver gunned the engine and raced around two or three times to the screaming delight of the passengers. Passing car drivers were startled by the sudden noise and loud music. When they saw a bus load of crazy adult tourists they had to smile and they returned waves as we shook our noise makers out of the windows.

When the 2 buses arrived at the terminal we created quite the sensation!!

A party banana bus full of seniors causes quite a sensation and lots of smiles!!!

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