Friday, February 3, 2017

A Change of plans:-(

This is not the day I had planned.

I got little or no sleep the past 2 nights so I decided that I had to do something. Sitting on planes and in airports for almost 18 hours when you are coughing that hard would not be a good thing.
I decided to go and see the doctor on board. This is the first time in over 400 day at sea that I have gone to the medical center. Even a broken ankle did not send me there so you know I was feeling pretty rough. I was in the waiting area only minutes when I began to cough. There were only seconds before a nurse was bringing me a mask. Ii told them I was there to get some cough medicine. I agreed to have a consult with a doctor ( cost 94.00 ) After a few routine tests she informed me that the islands were full of a flu virus that was H1 N1 and something else ( I don’t remember) but all I had to hear was H1 N1 and I agreed to a flu test. I did not have a fever. Of course they wanted to test Ken as well. I call the room and Ken joined me. He was also given the test. To make a long story shorter Ken tested positive and since he got feeling ill a day or two before me it is assumed I will test positive later as well.
I gather that this particular strain begins with this tight chest cough and then moves on the fever and sore muscles and congestion etc.etc.etc.
 So we were given prescriptions for Tami Flu and cough syrup and throat lozenges and antihistamines and we are quarantined—confined to our cabin for 24 hours. If Ken’s fever is gone and I do not have a fever tomorrow we will be set free. The cost of all of those meds is not yet on our shipboard account so that surprise s waiting for us. Our travel insurance should reimburse us some if not all of it. I wish she had given me a prescription for Tylenol; my ribs are so sore from coughing. I will have to get some when they set us free.
BUT this is the day of the most travelled passenger luncheon. We were both looking forward to attending that for the first time ever. I am so disappointed but we know that H1 N1 is nothing to fool with so perhaps this is our guardian angel continuing to look after us. I guess we will just have to keep cruising and hope we get another invitation some time.
At three o’clock was the wine tasting, this evening is the lobster dinner and tonight is the captain’s circle party with free cocktails and we will be missing it all. It is good that we got to take all of that in on the previous 3 cruises.             
So since we are confined to quarters I do not know what else we will do. I tried sleeping and I was able to sleep for about 45 minutes before the coughing began again. Ken is sound asleep as I type.

The blog will not be very exciting if all I have to talk about is the animals I saw in the clouds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sorry to hear you

Sorry to hear you got the flu. Hope you are feeling better. I was listening to the weather report for Monday the 7th and there is a possibility of snow. Especially North of us. Just thought you might want to dig out the warm clothes.