Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Slept around the clock!

 I was so tired that I slept the clock all of the way around. We went to bed at 7:30, I woke up at 7:25, and since we had to move the clock forward one hour we actually missed breakfast in the dining room. But I am happy to tell you that we are just about back to normal.
Anyway to go back and fill you in since I last reported. We finally left Vancouver around one o’clock. We had been in the airport since 5:00 am so we were glad to lift off. The flight was rough but not enough to make anyone ill. We arrived in Huston with only 40 minutes between connecting flights. Fortunately it was in the same terminal, and we arrived in E 9 and our plane was leaving from E22. There were moving sidewalks and we made it in time. They were already boarding so we did not get at all familiar with that airport. To my sorrowL we have lost Bucky Beaver. Somehow in the rushing and the confusion he went missing. Perhaps he ran away believing that all of this hanging around airports would not be to his liking. Anyway, we hope that he is being appreciated where ever he is.
It was 11:11 when we arrived in Fort Lauderdale.  We had no trouble getting our luggage and we were able to get a shuttle to the hotel, after a bit of confusion. It was supposed to be a free shuttle but we ended up paying  $15.00 to another driver. But we arrived safely.
The hotel room was very nice, clean, modern and well done. The bed was very comfortable and by about 2:00 we were asleep.

It was seven when we got up and went to breakfast. The hotel provided breakfast which was very nice. There were eggs and bacon and sausage, toast, yogurt, juice, cereal, coffee, fresh fruit. The breakfast room was small but it was clean and bright .
After breakfast we walked about a block where we did some shopping. I got some Mardi Gras decorations for our stateroom door, and a wonderful bouquet of flowers, Ken got a new cord for him MP 3 player and we also got a bottle of Zinfandel. Then it was back to the Best Western to await the shuttle to the ship. There was a very nice pool but there was not enough time to try it out. There were about 20 people there waiting as we were. The cost of the shuttle was eight dollars per person so that was not bad at all. Ken was carrying my bouquet of flowers and all of the ladies we so impressed with the bouquet. He was the center of attention on the shuttle for sure. The attention continued in the Elite longue as well.
We were very impressed with the embarkation. Our Elite card got us very special treatment and everything went very quickly. We were surprised to see Howard and Janeen just ahead of us in the Elite longue. There was time for a bit of a visit and an arrangement to meet for lunch, and before we knew it we were in our stateroom, our home away from home for the next 40 days. We are on the port side and it is a standard balcony which is wonderful.
 Our room is just off of the elevator so we have no distance to walk which is both good and bad I guess. We always need exercise when on a ship.
There was just enough time to look around before we had to head for lunch. We met Howard and Janeen and we enjoyed a wonderful lunch in the Botticelli dining room. After lunch we returned to our room to discover that we had 2 wonderful gifts from Kim our travel agent. She had chocolate covered strawberries delivered to our room as well as a certificate for a free café selects  coffee card. She is so kind and so good at her job. We are so glad the BJ recommended her to us. Thanks Kim, for all you do.
Then the phone rang, it was Janeen telling us that now was the time to see if we could arrange to sit together at dinner. Ken’s suitcase arrived so he stayed in the room to unpack and I met Howard. We were successful and so we will be seated with our friend for dinner for the next 20 days, and to make it even more special we have a window seat. While I was there it was time for the safety drill so Ken met me with the life vest and we attended the drill. Thankfully we only have to do that once. Next time we can stay in our room.
After the drill there was time for me to unpack. My suitcase had arrived. Too soon it was time to dress for dinner. All I wanted to do was sleep and O would have passed on dinner if it was not our first night. Anyway we met Howard and Janeen and had a wonderful meal. There was another lady at our table for 6. Her name is Anne and she seems to be a delight. This will be a very nice cruise.
There were many things we could do after dinner but all we did was take one stroll around the deck and then it was into bed. I was even to tired to shower. I thought I might fall asleep and drown if I tried so I went right to bed. The gentle rocking of the ship lulled me to sleep almost immediately.

We have arrived, our wonderful holiday has begun!

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