Friday, January 31, 2014

Our Day in Antigua

It was a very nice day in Antigua. I guess it was morning and not the day. We disembarked and had our pictures taken with a gorgeous young lady. She was VERY tall and she was weating a costume with lots of orange feathers.
Next we walked toward the town area, checking out the prices of tours as we went. We will take a tour during our next visit. There are many to choose from. The taxi drivers are dressed in bright orange shirts and they are very friendly. We were asked many times but all we had to say was no thank you and they moved on. There was no pressure.
We did some shopping and we took time to visit The Cathedral of St John The Devine.. It is being renovated and so it was not open for touring. We had a very knowledgeable volunteer who told us all about the church and its history. He showed us the oldest tomb on the graveyard. It dated back to the 1600’s. The stone is actually black marble and the inscription is in Latin. He told us that all of the graves faced east west with the feat pointed east and the head to the west. The reason being that during the second coming when a person stood up they would be facing west where God would be. But this one tumb in the grave yard faces north south. There were many stories as to why but it was concluded that at the time of this burial the directions  were not known and the grave we just  placed nearest to the cathedral.
We stopped at several of the little shops before we returned to the ship where we had lunch.
Ken got some sun and I had a rest. On our next visit to Antigua in 20 days we will take one of the tours around the island.

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