Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Our Cruise Begins in Earnest

As I said we slept the clock around and missed breakfast in the dining room. We went to Horizon Court which is just 2 decks above us. We shared a table with a nice young couple from Montreal( John and Meriel). He is on cruise critic so I know we will see them again. We had a great visit and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast.
Next we did a bit of a tour of the top deck. Today is sunny and warm with quite a breeze blowing. Lots of people are taking advantage of the sun to get some color. You can tell the new comers from the ones who have been on for awhile simply by checking out the tan.  Being on a cruise always helps me feel better about my body image. Cruisers certainly come in all shapes and sizes.
This ship has 4 pools and many many areas to just sit and relax and enjoy the sea. There were lots of empty lounges and lots of happy people enjoying their time at sea.
The Emerald has had some changes since we were here last but if anything she is even more beautiful!
We decided to pass on lunch and we just had a banana in our room I played on the computer and Ken sat in the sun until it was time to go to Skywalkers for the Cruise Critic Meet and Greet. There was a great turn out. I think there were about 65 or more people there.

I met a few of the people who are on the Thenford Gray tour in St.Kitts. Ken and I had our first Ultimate Mai Tai. My, oh my they are good.
During the gathering Captain Nash came on the speaker and told us that he was making a slight course change to get out of the wind and provide us with a smoother ride.
I spent the rest of the afternoon browsing in the shops, Ken got more sun.
I went to the International Café and got our coffee card. Thanks Kim
We changed for dinner and met Howard and Janeer . As usual we had a wonderful  meal. I had shrimp and Ken had steak. We were surprised to learn that Janeen was celebrating her birthday. We all four shared that wonderful cake. It was so good that we passed on dessert.
After dinner we went to Explores Longue to head comedian A.J.Jamal. 
We were glad that we went early because seats were at a premium. He was very good and we all laughed long and hard.

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