Saturday, September 21, 2024

Last Full Day

We got up late, probably because Ken was full of cold meds. We were supposed to meet Ken and Ann Coverdale, the couple we have been meeting for breakfast on Sea days.They are from Australia and are very friendly. I know we will stay in touch with them even if it is only by e-mail. The result was we had to go to Horizon Court for breakfast because we were too late for the dining room. From there we went to the cooking demonstration. Emile sang at the end of the show and as usual he brought the house down. By now it is eleven and we had to rush back to the cabin to change clothes. We were invited to lunch as one of the most travelled passengers. When we were ushered in we had our photo taken with Andrea Spinardi.
Here ie our invitation.
And here is the menu. The choice was of your main course. The rest just came to everyone.
Ken and I each had the Barramundi and shrimp. There was a trio of appetizers, and an unbelievable dessert. Of course there was sparkling water and wine and coffee.
Then the Main course. I got a picture of the beef dish as well as our fish
The dessert was amazing. Inside those white chocolate balls was a pineapple moose that tasted like ice cream. It was actually frozen???I have no idea how they did that.
From the tray of after dinner goodies I managed to eat just one strawberry.
The officer who shared our table was the officer in charge of security She looked quite young but since she had been in the british navy for 20 years and had been with Princess for a while, looks were deceiving. Because we both were suffering from a cold we had a quick nap after that amazing dinner. Then it was time to pack. Then we had to go to dinner to say to the servers and give them tips. Because of that amazing lunch we each had 2 appetizers and called it done. We could not have eaten more. We said our good byes and there were hugs all around. We did not take in the show. It was featuring a soprano who could break glass. We called it an early night. This adventure comes to an end tomorrow.

1 comment:

Bob and Janet said...

Welcome Home! [but sorry you're not feeling great. Feel better soon.]