Friday, September 13, 2024

Glacier Bay National Park

Located in Southeast Alaska, west of the capital city of Juneau, Glacier Bay is a beautiful National Park full of snow capped mountains, tidewater glaciers and wildlife. Experience wildlife in all its beauty from boat trips for whale watching and hiking through the trails of the Park. It is a protected area full of wonder to be explored. Almost all of the day was spent enjoying the view of the bay. Unfortunately it was raining most of the day and the views were not spectacular. Since Ken and I have been here many times it was not bad for us but we felt sorry for the people for whom this was their first and perhaps only chance to see these wonders.
This was also the day of the Captain Circle cocktail party and it was also a Formal night. So we gat dressed up and away we went. The ship is full and the numbers were interesting. The Most traveled passengers were in this order: first 2104 days, second 1702 days and third was 1409 days. These numbers are unusual for Alaska. As a matter of fact there were 2621 first timers on board which is the norm. When that event ended we headed for the dining room, this was formal night a the night the staff was recognized and thanked I had my escargo and of course surf and turf with lobster was a choice for the main. I had a lovely light fruity dessert.
The sea has been a little bouncy this evening. I knew there might be a problem when I saw barff bags at the end of each set of stairs. I took Gravol to make certain I could sleep. It worked!

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