Saturday, September 14, 2024

Last Full Day of the First One!

This is the last full day of our North bound Cruise. and it is going to be a busy one. We began the day by meeting with our new friends Ken and Ann for breakfast.As usual it was a very pleasant visit. They are from Australia and have cruised often. We meet at eight and usually daudle over the meal but today we headed out about 8:45 so we could take in the chat with the officers which was happening at nine in the Princess theatre.
That was followed by the comedy cooking show which was also in the theatre. We decided to stay in the same seats because we had a very good view of the stage,. As usual the comedy routine between the excetutive chef and the director of restaurant Operations was hilarious. They prepared 3 dishes and we were given the recipes. They told us that there is a grand total of 515 crew members dedicated to providing an unforgetable onboard dining experience.
The fantastic end to this gathering was a solo by EMILE. He sings It's Time to Say Goodbye. He has an amazing voice and he sings with such power and emotion that there is not a dry eye in the place. By now it was after eleven and we had to get back to our cabin to change and get ready for the Most Travelled Passengers Luncheon. Our 650+ days put us 12 th on the list. The luncheon was in Sabatini"s When we arrived we were greeted by the officers and our picture was taken with the captain. We would receive a copy of that photo later.
There were 7 tables and an officer sat at each one. The engineer sat with us.There were special personalized menus at each place.
We were served wine and sparking water and then came the appetizers
The food was amazing. The appetizers were a trio of items, one fish, one pasta and one beef. One was beef tartare and I passed on that one because it was raw beef. I had a taste but it was not to my liking.
There was a choice of 3 mains, one seafood, one pasta and one beef.Ken and I chose the salmon with shrimp
Then came the is what it was and I quote CELESTIAL PASSIONFRUIT REVERIE: VANILLA MOUSSEORB WITH MANGO-BANANA ROCHER It was as tasty and as elegant looking as it sounds.
And just in case anyone had room for one more amazing taste sensation a tray of treats was put on the table for all to share. I did eat one strawberry.
This was an experience not soon forgotten. Later in the day we were walking and I saw a man carrying a green duck that was bigger that a rool of toilet paper. I asked if he found that duck. He said no but I hide ducks and he handed me five ducks. They did not have tags. I will take them home, add tags and hide them on our next cruise in April.
In an effort to work off some of those calories I put 3000 steps on and saw some different door decorations. It is easier to walk the different floors because there isn't a lot of people there. Along the was I made note of a couple of decorated doors. Not as many door were decorated as I expected. I took pictures of 2
We met another amazing couple at dinner. They are from Hamilton, two of few Canadians on board. We did not go to the evening show, we just relaxed in our cabin. This cruise has come to an end. Many will disembark in the morning and new passengers will arrive and we will head south.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Your luncheon looks fabulous. So artistically arranged. Keep your fingers crossed for the homeward bound MTG event. You might be number one!