Monday, September 23, 2024

Home; Is that happy or sad?

We had put in a wake up call with Princess but as is usual for us we woke early. I actually saw the shipp travel under the Lions Gate Bridge. We quickly got everything done and gathered together and headed out. We never did get that wake up call. We met Renaldo outside of our cabin and said our thank yous and good bye. We had left our note and extra tip the day before just in case we did not see him this morning. We headed to the Allegro dining room because we had breakfast dates with Ann and Ken. They were a little late because they had slept in. They are continuing on to Australia so their morning will be very different from ours. They have to change rooms but it is the only change planned. They will have the same room for 42 days. We had a great visit but it was soon time to head to "Princess Live" because that is where we have to wait for our group ( gold 5) to disembark. We actually had never visited Princess Live and we were surprised to see how large it is. The call came early and we were soon on our way. I was travelling with one of the suitcases that I painted so it was easy to find in that sea of luggage. We made our way out with barely a pause at customs. We waited at the underground pick up spot under Canada Place and we were able to sit and relax as we waited for Dave. He arrived and said that traffic was chaos on the nunmber one so we headed home using the 99 and number 7. It was a beautiful sunny drive. We stopped so I could pick up milk and eggs. We are home and we are feeling a little better. Both Ken and I got the usual Cruise ship CRUD. We wear masks we wash our hands and almost swim in hand sanitizer and we still get it. I felt so ill that I for a brief second considered ending our cruising. But it was only short and now that both of us are feeling almost back to normal and all of the luggage is unpacked I am beginning to think about the next cruise. In fact I went on line and booked shore excursions last evening. We made new friends, had fun hiding ducks, brought home 12 new ducks, discovered a new cocktail ( Dark and Stormy), lived like a queen with no household responsibilities for the entire 2 weeks and have welcomed 3 new pounds which I shall work hard to get rid of. Conclusion: There is no such thing as a bad cruise.!! I am off to have a cup of coffee which I had to make myself.:-( Our next foray is one we have done before...a 32 day south Pacific cruise aboard the Saphire Princess in April of 2025' Thanks for following us and we will meet again in April
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1 comment:

Pescado Amarillo said...

I always love following along on your adventures! Thanks for taking the time (which I know is not always easy). I hope you both feel better. If I return from our next cruise with the crud, I might call it quits on cruising. People say you can get sick anywhere, and you can, but I don’t get sick anywhere but on a cruise. There’s something about being around that many people.