Friday, August 9, 2019

August 8th

We got to our room and it was smaller than we expected. But we did have a great view.

We were told to leave our suitcases packed in our room and they would be collected. So we did that and then went for breakfast. We went to Poppy for a good breakfast. Ken got the regular buffet and I got the continental breakfast. Ken enjoyed his but I could not say the same. I had Greek Yogurt  and lots of fresh fruit. Unfortunately the fruit was not all that good.
After breakfast I checked the e-mail and we had good and bad e-mail. The good was the fact that Ryan was going to check into the mix up about our room.
The bad was that the hotel had put a charge of over 750.00 on our credit card. I had been told we would not be charged more for our rooms because we had already paid for them.
Well I went to the main desk and I was assured that it was only a routine hold and we would not have to pay that.
We were assured that the new room would be Premium gold so we should go up to the seventh floor and enjoy the benefit of coffee and pastries at no cost. We should wait there until our new room was available. It was supposed to be ready at noon but it was not ready until three.

One of the Gold benefits is canapes etc from 4 until six. So we went for those and of course that meant we did not need any dinner.

We relaxed watched TV and I blogged for the rest of the evening.This was a free day with no excursions planned.
Off to bed because we have an all day excursion tomorrow.


Me in line trying to get things straightened out.

New Room, ( no big deal)

Gold Room and canapes.

Sign and autographs

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