Saturday, September 21, 2013

Idaho State Capital Building

On Thursday afternoon our adventure took us to the Idaho State Capital building. As to be expected this is a domed building built very much like the Capital building in Washington DC.

It is beautiful and large and spacious and grand with lots of marble.
Apparently it had undergone a lot of changes in its 150 years and in 2007 it was decided to do a major renovation. 
They uncovered things that no one knew was there. For example they found an elevator behind paneling,

 they found a wonderful clock behind a painting

 and they found a wonderful barrel ceiling above a drop ceiling.
Our guide was very friendly and very informative and we learned a great deal.
I was impressed by how open to the public the building was. Anyone can arrange to use one of the rooms and many do to promote their causes.

We even had a little chat with the lieutenant governor.

The grounds were beautiful and as you would expect.  They were very well maintained and there were sculptures and item of historical significance..

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