Thursday, September 5, 2013


You would not believe how loud these things can get!
At one point on Tuesday we were driving along with the windows open.
We could hear the sound of the other vehicles on the road including the big trucks.
We could hear the sound made by the breeze coming in the window.
We could hear the motor of our truck and above it all when we came to trees we could head the cicadas singing.
Even Ken could hear them.
Their song is hard to describe but you can go online and listen to a recording.
I have only heard them, I have not seen any, thank goodness!!!

Here is what I learned:

They’re loud, they’re punctual and they’re kind of gross.  After 17 years buried in the soil, the cicadas of Brood II are emerging with the hot summer weather. Once above ground, they’ll sing their intensely loud mating song—which can reach as high as 120 decibelsbreed and die, leaving billions of squishy orange corpses on the lawns and sidewalks of America.
The basic details of cicada life for Brood II is pretty well established: born in 1996, they burrowed into the ground, where they lived safely as nymphs for the next 17 years, sucking on sap from tree sap. 17 years later they burst above ground at once, depending on their sheer numbers—as many as 30 billion may emerge—to ensure that enough will survive to reproduce and begin the whole cycle over again.

Fortunately they do not sing after dark and so they do not keep you awake.
I am relieved that we will be well out of their territory before they decide to die and cover the roads
and lawns with their corpses.

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