Monday, September 3, 2012

We rose early and had breakfast on board. Then we went shopping at Wal-Mart. We needed to get items for the pot luck supper and for happy hour. We bought the few items and then headed out. Ken had me check the lights and they were not working properly so he spent about an hour checking everything out. We left with only some of the lights working. We headed down I5 and the traffic was very light indeed.We had no trouble going around Seattle.We stopped for lunch at the Indian John rest stop. We decided to travel the canyon route. It was truly amazing. The air was clear and the Cascades were just beautiful. The canyon is narrow and it proceeds along the river. There were people on tubes floating down the river. The hills are brown brown brown and it looked so barren and so desolate but next to the river there is green grass and sometimes there are trees. Suddenly the canyon ends and it opens to a broad valley.The valley is fertile and green and orchards and farms abound. This is an amazing fruit growing area and it is so very beautiful. We arrived at the Yakima Nation RV Park around one.When Ken backed into our spot we discovered that all of the lights are working the way they should??? We unhooked and then we went to the pool for a swim. We were still at the pool when Janet and Bob arrived. The four of us went to the Casino and enjoyed the buffet. We got a coupon for free decks of cards so we took advantage of that. Full and happy and tired after a busy day we returned to our rigs and called it a night. Ken figured the times and we will be leaving around nine in the morning.

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