Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Journal for Monday

Monday September 10th How do you say perfect day? This was a most beautiful day. We slept later than is usual for us .We had breakfast and because it was quite cool we decide3d to go shopping this morning and go to the beach later when it is warmer. We went for a drive into Tillamook. We shopped at Fred Myers and of course I had to find something special for the babies.I bought a hoodies for each of them. Emmie’s is gorgeous with pink hearts. It is made of a pile like fabric. The one for Leo is red and black and white. We got groceries and gas. Then it was off to the cheese factory. We can’t come here without going to the cheese factory. We shared a club house sandwich for lunch and then went to the gift shop. Shockingly I didn’t find anything I wanted and we didn’t buy ice cream. I think, no I am sure that is the first time. We checked the book and I have been at Neihelem 12 times now. Anyway we did not get any ice cream or fudge,I know I will be sorry when I get back to Abbotsford. We came back to the campground, unloaded our goodies and we got the kites to the beach and one was missing a strut so we were able to fly only one of them. But it was such a wonderful day we didn’t care. Ken played in the waves for awhile. I even went into the water which is not usual for me. We returned to the rig and decided to go to Cannon Beach, to Moe’s for dinner. Going for clam chowder at Moe’s is another tradition. So away we went. We had a wonderful drive along the shore. I had my September fries and clam strips. Ken had a combination fish platter. Then we were treated to the most amazing sunset!! I took dozens of pictures. Then we returned to the park. It was a perfect day.

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