Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Journal for Sunday

Sunday September 9th It was stinking hot all day Saturday and as much as I tried I could not stay in good humour. I get so cranky when it is hot. Usually it has cooled off at night but for some reason it did not get cooler last night. The wind blew hot and even with the air conditioning on in the trailer it was almost midnight before it cooled off enough to sleep. For awhile we considered staying here at Hot Lakes for an extra night or 2 but the heat has driven us away. Ken doesn’t want to spend another day with a crank and I don’t want to be a crank for another day so we are leaving tomorrow. Sunday morning we had a continental breakfast. Actually it was all of the food that was left over from other breakfasts. Again the extra groceries were given away. I got a half loaf of multigrain bread for us. Everyone packed up and said their good byes. Janet Trout couldn’t say thank you enough times. She and Bob had a grand time and they are so glad that we invited them. That was a good thing It was about ten o’clock when we finally were all hooked up and said our good byes. It was hot already and I was happy to be in the vehicle with a breeze blowing. We travelled a route that was parallel to the Columbia River most of the way. I looked out at those brown hills, saw the temperature gague rise higher and higher, the wind blowing dust around and thought of those people on the wagon train and the horrors of that passage. The truck and our wonderful trailer is such a better mode of travelling out to the coast. We made good time and we arrived safely at Nehalem Bay State park at about six o’clock. We got set up and had our supper on board, played cribbage (Ken won again) and called it a n

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