Saturday, April 8, 2023

Carania , Scily


Catania is an Italian city on the east coast of Sicily facing the Ionian Sea. It is the capital of the Metropolitan City of Catania, one of the ten biggest cities in Italy, and the seventh largest metropolitan area in Italy. Catania is well known for its historical earthquakes, having been destroyed by catastrophic earthquakes in 1169 and 1693, and for several volcanic eruptions from the neighbouring Mount Etna, the most violent of which was in 1669. The city has had a long and eventful history, having been founded in the 8th century BC. In 1434, the first university in Sicily was founded in the city. In the 14th century and into the Renaissance period, Catania was one of Italy's most important cultural, artistic and political centres. The city has a rich culture and history, hosting many museums, restaurants, churches, parks and theatres. Catania is well known for its street food

This is the excursion that we chose for today.

East Catania and Coastline:

Perfect for those who prefer little or no walking, this three and a half hour excursion begins with a brief sojourn through Catania. Founded in the 8th century BC as a Greek colony Catania flourished in the 14th century as one of Italy's most important cultural, artistic and political centers. The city was rebuilt with lava after a catastropic eruption and an earthquake in the 17th century earning it the nick name the gray city. Then you'll travel along the scenic coastline, famed for its connection to Homer's epic The Odessey and an angry cyclops. Stretch your legs and enjoy a photo stop in the village od Acicastello. The picture perfect ruins of an 11th century Norman castle sit atop a ridge of lava. Back on board , enjoy the short drive back to the ship in Catania, soaking up the picturesque views of this beautiful coastline.

This was our view this morning. I can't figure out how the artist was able to do this. He certainly couldn't step back to check on placements etc.

Because we had an early tour we had breakfast in our room. It is not as cool today so I was able to forget one layer.

We traveled through Catania getting a glimpse of the city. It does not have as many fortifications but it is definitely an old city with lots to see.

Our first stop was to see the castle. I can't begin to imagine how they were able to build it on that overhanging cliff of lava.

Next we headed to the village of Acidastello. The reason was to see the Cathedral of Saint Agnes. It was amazing.

We walked around the square and checked out the fish market. WOW!!!

In our roaming we discovered another church. We did not go inside but it certainly was grand outside.

We roamed some of the stalls in the square and I was able to get something for our tree.

Tomorrow we are in Naples. I was feeling a bit unwell today. I have a sore throat , no other symptoms but I am tired so I will be calling it a night much earlier than usual.
Tomorrow is Easter so have a blessed day everyone.

1 comment:

sandy in spain said...

Hope you're feeling a bit better today (sunday)