Friday, February 1, 2019

January 31st

Turks and Caicos

Grand Turk,
Today is our day in Grand Turk. We do not have an excursion and the plan is to just have a beach day.

We had a casual breakfast and then got ready to go to shore.
We left the ship with Fred and Mary and Janeen around 10:30

We were lead to believe that the lounges and umbrellas were rented for 25 dollars. So we did not go there in the beginning. We explored the beach to the right of the dock but the shore was rocky. There was a whale sculpture .

We decided to go to the beach on the left because it was sandy and soft.
There is a Margriettaville there. We had a look but did not want a drink.

I overheard a lady say that the green umbrella chairs were free to passengers of the Royal Princess, so we found a pair of chairs and enjoyed our time in the water. The water was not cold and there was a lovely breeze, a perfect combination.

After an hour I headed back because I did not want more sunburn. My timing was bad. I browsed around the craft market and then entered the cruise terminal.

There was a large crowd inside the building and the doors were closed. The Cardinal Breeze had arrived and they did not want passengers on the dock while the ship was being tied up.

We only had to wait for about 15 minutes. Then the doors were opened and the throng headed for the Royal Princess. There were crowds of people going in both directions. The Carnival people were getting off of their ship and the Princess people were headed back to their ship.

This is formal night and the Captain's circle is happening. Ken and I went to dinner and then left early to take in the Captain's party.

 I had arranged to introduce myself to Matt O. He wanted the meet the Carolyn who was putting in the quotes. It was fun to chat with him.

After the party we returned to our room and called it a night.

Tomorrow is the last day of the cruise. A sea day!!!

1 comment:

Zumi said...

Nice article and it is worth reading. Such a nice adventure.