Sunday, February 3, 2019

Flying Home

This cruise has come to an end entirely too quickly.

Our flight from Fort Lauderdale does not leave until 2:15 so we can not worry about missing our flight. The flight is 6 hours and 3 minutes long with a layover in Calgary. Unfortunately the layover is 3 hours and 12 minutes. The flight to Vancouver is only 1 hour and 33 minutes. We are scheduled to arrive in Vancouver at 10:03 local time. We will get a cab to Kerri's and then drive home so we will not get to bed until after one if we are lucky.  That will be four Fort Lauderdale time so it will be a very long very exhausting day.

As we left the room I took a picture of our flowers. This is the best they have ever lasted.

Our wake up call was for 7 but we were awake at 6:30. We got dressed and left the room for Freddie. We left his tip on the desk. We had breakfast in the dining room since time was not an issue.

The elites were to wait in Princess Live. It was very comfortable and the disembarkation went quickly and quietly.

We were off of the ship collecting our luggage at 9:30 , just as the schedule said we should be.

Once we got our luggage we were directed to what would be a very full bus.

Arriving at the Fort Lauderdale airport.


There has been lots of improvements at the Calgary airport. They have a shuttle that will carry you from one terminal to the other. We came in at 2 and had to leave on A. It would have been at lest a 15 minute walk if we did not avail ourselves of the shuttle ( at least that is what the sign said)

Everything was a bit late and when we arrived in Calgary it was cold and snowy.
We had no trouble getting out luggage although Ken's bag was almost last. We headed out and got a taxi right away. The roads were fine and our trip home went quickly.

When we arrived hone after being awake for 21 hours it was not long before we were in bed, trying to adjust to a still bed.

Waiting for us , on our front step was a gift bag from our friends.
A welcome home care package of snowdrops, raisin scones and homemade blueberry preserves.

Thank you Bob and Janet!! You are appreciated.

Cruises number 46 and 47 have come to an end.
Cruise 48 and 49 will begin on April 30.
Join Us!!!


sandy in spain said...

Have enjoyed following you on this cruise, we have finally managed to get Insurance for John so we are off on a last minute Trans Atlantic (Ft Lauderdale to Malaga via a few Carribean Islands at the end of February, a few tight connections tho' so Fingers crossed this will be the re-ignition of our cruise travels. As it's a late booking we took the first one we could, it will be a change (and no doubt quite different to Princess) as we're sailing with with Costa Cruises

Comquot said...

I am so happy for you both. Have fun and good luck!!!

Pescado Amarillo said...

Hi Caroline, I always enjoy following your many adventures. Thanks for taking the time to write and publish blog posts! Safe travels and good health in 2019! Jeannie

Comquot said...

Wonderful to hear from you. I hope you and Greg are well and still living life to the full. Thanks for the kind words about the blog.

Zumi said...

Happy traveling. Cheers for your article. Thank you.