Friday, May 25, 2018

Big on My Bucket List!

Since we began cruising I have been hearing all about river cruises and how wonderful they are. I could not and can not think they could be so much better than an ocean cruise . We are about to find out.
We have booked a cruise with Viking Cruise Line.The cruise is named The Grand European Tour

My Viking Journey

We are on the Viking Longship VE and we are in Veranda Stateroom #331


Ve - Norse God of Countenance

In creation mythology, the Norse god Ve is crucial. Together with his brothers Odin and Vili, he slays the primeval being Ymir, thus ending the rule of giants. The triad of brothers creates heaven and earth from the body of Ymir.

Here is the map of where we will be going.
We are doing a 2 day pre cruise and a 2 day post cruise package along with the 14 day cruise of the Rhine and the Danube.
We leave Vancouver on May 26th and we return on June 14th.
Follow along to see what fun we have , what things we discover and if we conclude that we also like river cruises.

I will be posting general information about the area we are in and what the plans are. Then at the end of each day(hopefully) I will post a report of how our day went and what we learned and a few pictures. 

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