Monday, May 28, 2018

A Hopping Good Day

After that amazing breakfast we gathered our things together and headed out. We went to a near by shop and picked up 4 bus tickets....350 F or about 1 dollar each. We took bus number 16 down to the Big Bus  pick up area. We decided that saving out feet and knees was more important than saving 4 dollars.

We did not have to wait long. Fortunately the upstairs of the bus provided some shade because it was a sunny morning. The other Hop On Hop Off bus does not have that so our choice was a good one. We were provided ear phones and when plugged in and tuned to channel 2 we were able to get all of the commentary in English. As the bus approached a notable building or statue etc. we were given a description of what it was and some of the history. In between stops there was very nice classical music.. We did one full circle which took a little over an hour.

 Then on the second trip we left the bus and went to the Great Market. Before that we had lunch. The market was amazing. It actually made Grandville Island look a little small.

 Our first trip was on the Blue route and after our time at the Market we boarded a bus for the red route.  When we got back to the chain bridge we decided it was time to head back to the hotel. We were hot and tired and we really had seen enough.

We took bus number 16 back to the Hilton. The first thing on our list was a nap!!

We went for a stroll around the area of the Fisherman's Bastion and had a snack at Starbucks. We were not hungry and did not want a full meal but we had to take pills which meant we had to eat something. I had Yogurt and Ken had a muffin .

Later after our snack we went for a walk and found a very nice bistro where we might have been able to have a snack with a Hungarian flavor.

Soon our legs were beginning to complain so we headed back to the hotel. The evening is lovely and cool . We are loving it.

For the next posting we will be on the ship so I not expect to have fast service. I cannot guarantee you lots of pictures from this point on. But I will do my best.

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