Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Cabo San Lucas

This is the day we are  to visit Cabo San Lucas. We have been here three times before and this time we have arranged for a general sightseeing tour of the area. We are due to arrive in port around noon so we had the morning to ourselves. That meant it was a perfect morning to enjoy a room service breakfast on our balcony.
We enjoyed our breakfast and then we dressed and took a tour around the ship. There were several spots that I had not yet seen. It was VERY windy on the top deck so we were ducking in and out. 

While out on deck we saw several spouts and some backs and flukes. We are in the area that the whales frequent during this time of the year.
We went to the international café and picked up a cinnamon bun and a coffee. This was going to be our lunch.
We returned to our room to watch the ship make its approach. The day was beautiful and we will be docked in a spot right opposite the arch and lovers beach. We quickly hung our Canadian Flag on the balcony and got ready for our excursion.

 This is a tender port and those of us on this excursion were instructed to meet in the Princess Theatre. We were a little last getting away but soon we were on board our tour bus. It was big and new and bright and comfortable.
After being given a drive around the town we were taken to our first major stop, a glass blowing factory. The artisans were very skilled and one of the men blew a lovely angel for us. It was amazing to watch it form right before our eyes.

 We had seen this before in Tacoma but the project was a martini glass. This was so much more interesting.
There was a gift shop of course and there were many things for sale. The glass items were pricey and getting them home was a concern. But they did have wonderful  pashima  for sale. They were beautiful and they were made using a kind of jacquard design so they were very reversible. The two sides looked very different. I purchased a turquoise one for 15.00 US. Our guide told us that they do not barter here.
Next we stopped at Puerta Vieja restaurant. The name translates to mean Old Door. I gather the name comes from the fact that the owner went to India where he purchased this very old door which he used as the centerpiece of his establishment.

 There were lots of wonderful artifacts here and we enjoyed a complimentary beverage and an amazing view.
Next the bus drove us to the capital of this county, the city of San Jose. Here we visited the city hall and saw the murals and we were told a little about the area. There is a beautiful mission steeped in history and a beautiful town square.

 We toured the church and had our pictures taken in front of a sea horse sculpture made of tires.

 The square was surrounded by jewelry shops specializing in silver and Mexican fire opals. Bartering is such an art here and I am getting better at it

By the time we left here and headed back to the dock and the waiting tenders we were late. It was too late to go to the dining room for dinner so we were forced to go to the buffet. We felt badly that we had not warned our waiters that we might be late or absent.  Dinner was sufficient but we certainly do prefer meals in the dining rooms. We had sufficient food, we met nice people but we did miss that pampered feeling.
After eating and visiting we rushed down to the Vista Longue. Carlos Oscar was performing and he is one of the best comedians we have ever heard. We knew seating would be at a premium.
He did not disappoint!!
Next we returned to our room long enough to pick up one of our brandies  and head to the International café for a special coffee.
Alexander and Evgenia performed in the piazza. Their acrobatic skills are thrilling.
By the time we finished our coffee it was getting late, we had had a full day and tomorrow we have an early tour of La Paz

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