Saturday, January 31, 2015

Anniversary Celebration

January 29th, A sea Day,
We were in Loreto yesterday and we will be in Puerto Vallarta tomorrow so today gives us a chance to catch our breath. Or at least it was supposed to be.
We were greeted by balloons and anniversary congratulation signs on our stateroom door, as well as a card from Princess

We began our day by having breakfast in the dining room. Instead of my usual oatmeal I choose to have an omelet.
We walked the deck and then went to the enrichment lecture given by John and Diane Stockham. They were speaking on the port of Puerto Vallarta and how the filming of the movie Night of the Iguana changed that area of the country for ever.

Ken chose to return to the stateroom after the lecture but I decided to take in the fashion show in the Piazza. They model the stock available on board and they use passengers as models. I was late arriving and 2 ladies offered to share their table with me and they had a good view.
We decided to skip lunch and instead we shared an orange. I needed to eat something so I could take my meds but because we had a large late breakfast we were not hungry.
Three o’clock found us at the wine tasting. The wines featured were very good. In fact one of them was the wine we are enjoying with our dinner.  I continue to be surprised at how rude people can be at this event. They continue to talk and laugh and visit while the presenters are telling us about the wines.
Then we returned to our stateroom and I went down to the laundry room to press my jacket before dinner.
We decided to go to the Elitre and Platinum longue event tonight, the first time for this cruise. So because that begins at five we headed out. The One five is not as nice as Skywalkers in my opinion, but it does have its own charm.
Our dinner time is 5:45 so we finished our drinks and headed to the elevators. Down from deck 15 to deck 6 deserves a ride.
Dinner was very nice. The waiters sang for us, and Linda took our picture. We shared our anniversary special cake with the table mates. I decided that one sixth of that special cake was enough dessert for me.

We next made our way to the princess theatre to enjoy another presentation by Carlos Oscar. This comedian is one we really enjoy.

Our busy day was finished by having a special coffee and brandy in the International café.

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