Thursday, October 2, 2014

Loose Ends

Well it is time to close this Blog session by tying up a lot of loose ends.

Our sea day was fun because all we did was relax. We got our things organized for the necessary packing the next day. The weather was a bit cool but we enjoyed the balcony anyway. The first this we saw in the morning when we awoke was a flock of sparrows flying by. This is noteworthy because you seldom see small birds when you are at sea. But they were around most of the day. It was obvious that someone was feeding them because they kept scurrying across our balcony floor. One with part of a roll was being chased by others wanting in on the action. I don't envy the room stewards and their chore of washing the balcony mats.

We were told that at one point there were about 50 or more of them having a bath in the overflow area of the main pool on deck 15.

Our day in Quebec City was grand. The ship was docked right in the middle of Old Town and our view was of the Chateau. 

For our tour we had to gather in the Princess theatre at 8:15. When we got there at 8:00 we learned that there were 600 people signed up for the same tour. Since it was $149.00 per person Princess must have been smiling that day. Anyway because there would be 12 buses heading out each had a schedule of where to go and when so that we all would not be at the same place at the same time. The order posted in the previous blog was reversed completely so that we ended at the Falls instead of beginning there.
The day began cool and breezy but the bus was warm and because of my still swollen ankle I was able to sit in a front seat.

Our tour guide was wonderful. He was completely fluent in both English and French and he grew up in Quebec. He told us much about the history and the culture and what is was like for him growing up in Quebec.

I was very impressed with the city. This part called The Old Town could be anywhere in Europe with the beautiful architecture and  the cobblestone streets.

The Basilica at St Anne de Beaupre was so amazing that it defies description. It is easily more amazing that most if not all of the wonderful churches we saw in the UK. It is hard to believe that it is relatively new. It is a place you must experience to appreciate.

One of our stops was at Montmorency Falls and they were impressive as well.

PJ our guide said that yesterday it was rainy and foggy and in general the weather was not at all good for touring but we lucked out.
It was a gorgeous day, cool but sunny and bright and the fall colors were spectacular in the bright sunshine.

So it was a wonderful day and we really enjoyed it.We returned to the ship around 4:30, in time for dinner and in time to complete our packing.
 The ship was docked in Quebec overnight and many of the younger party goers took advantage of the overnight docking to enjoy the city. We did not. 

The cruising part of our wonderful travel adventure has come to the end and we are reluctant to disembark. We could easily stay on board for another couple of weeks,
But it is time to get back to the real world.

October second is the day we disembark and we get up early and have breakfast in Horizon Court. We noticed that the faces are not particularly happy. But in a few hours when the new folks arrive the dining area will be filled with smiling happy chatter.

The Elite people got to meet in Club Fusion and when there we met Michael and Jan from Seattle. Somehow we kept missing them during this cruise so it was nice to have time for a good visit.

Soon our color is called and we head out. Fortunately there were lots of luggage carts and we were soon in line for a taxi. We were impressed with how well run it was. 

The taxi ride to our digs for the night was much longer than we thought it would be.
The hotel( L'Aristocrate ) is very nice in fact it is quite top end. The staff was very friendly and efficient. Our room was not yet ready so we walked over to the near by grocery store and drugstore for cold meds and lunch food. Then it was back to wait for our room.

 Fortunately the hotel is near to the airport . In the morning we will be about 12 minutes from the airport. 

So the wake up call is for 4:00 and the flight leaves at 6:30.
, we will be home at 1:10 on October 3rd. So tomorrow it ends.
Thanks so much for following us and we will be cruising again the end of January. Mexico, here we come.

1 comment:

sandy in spain said...

Hi Carolyn, it´s been really enjoyable following along with you. Especially so when you were visiting the UK and the places we know so well, Bath, Windsor etc your enjoyment of the narrow windy roads (quite so much fun in the summer when you get stuck behind aRV and can´t overtake :-)), the thatched cottages, the baths, the Castle, the Palace etc. It makes us see it all with new eyes. Look foreward to your next adventures. We did South America again this year and next year it´s back to Brazil for a trans Atlantic crossing returning to Spain. Love to you both. Sandy in Spain