Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sunday, and Monday

It was so very warm yesterday that I was glad we would be travelling today. The air conditioned truck was a real blessing after yesterday. Ken checked on Tom’s rig and together we got everything done and buttoned down . Then we went around and said good bye to some friends. We pulled out at 9:35 which wasn’t too bad . We drove until eleven and then we stopped for a stretch and a trip to the rest rooms. Then away we went again. This time we travelled until almost two. Then we stopped at a rest area and I found a nice picnic table in the shade and with a nice breeze. By now it was 31 degrees outside. Then we hit the road again. Between Lacy and Tacoma we ran into stop and go traffic. It was terrible in the heat and the traffic, but fortunately it lasted only about 45 minutes and we were in the clear again. We arrived here in Marysville around 5 or 5:30. We decided to stay at the Casino at Tulalip. Harry and Susan are going to meet us at the Walmart just down the road at around 11:00am. The problem here is going to be the fact that there are no hook ups and there will be no air conditioning. The people next to us said it cooled down really well last night so we are keeping our fingers crossed. After we got parked and then we walked over to the Casino for the buffet supper. It was so very good. There was no humanly way a person could have a taste of it all even if you had just one spoonful of each. It was 19.95 per person and included everything. Seniors get a 15% discount, so including tip and tax we got away with 40 dollars for a very fine meal. Next we did a walking tour of the casino. It is really lovely. The art work and décor especially light fixtures and furniture are very special. They have 2 great gift shops with wonderful native art for sale. We returned to the trailer and much to our relief it is beginning to cool off. Perhaps we will get some sleep tonight afterall.

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