Friday, August 3, 2012

I'm Back!!

The internet has been out but now I'm back. It went out early yesterday . Anyway, we went golfing again this morning and I lowered my score by 10 points, walked a half mile less and did not loose any balls so I improved greatly. I felt much better as well. I was really tense about going on Wednesday but I was more relaxed today. I have to stop making excuses and reasons to say no when Ken asks me to golf. I really do enjoy it when I go. But 3 games in 2 years just doesn't cut it. It is really hot here today but luckily tere is a breeze. The group is having a pot luck today and I planned to bring a salad. I am so glad because I would not want to be cooking in here today. The AC does work and I could turn it on if need be. Our friend Tom went to emergency and he did fracture a couple of ribs when he fell. I guess his son is coming tomorrow and he is going to take Tom back to his place in Washington. He will leave his rig here and then come back for it when he is feeling better and is no longer on powerful pain medication.. Ken will help him hook up and move his rig sometime tomorrow. We have been to the pool twice and both times we had it to ourselves. We were going to go again this afternoon but it is quite full of people so we had a nap instead. Last evening we had an amazing full moon and I took a few pictures, they are good but they do not do it justice. That is all from here for now.

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