Thursday, May 24, 2012

Home and settling in, I guess I had better finish this blog. We did not go to the casino for dinner. We ate in the rig . But in the afternoon we went out to gas up without the trailer attached. I had noticed an ad for the community of Granger and we decided to go and explore. It was booked as the place where the dinosaurs roamed. It was only about 8 miles from Toppenish so away we went. It was raining softly when we happened upon the first of the 16 dinosaurs. They even have a playground full of roaming dinos. What fun it would be to take Leo there. That evening there was nothing worth watching on Television and so we played games on the computers and called it a night early.
We got away by 9:30 after hearing that the weather was not going to improve. Ken decided to travel the White Pass since we had not ever been there. The road was so beautiful. Spring greens are wonderful. The dogwood were in bloom and everything was wonderful. We discovered that Cayuse Pass was still closed, but White Pass was open. At the top of the pass it was snowing and there were 10 to 15 foot snow banks at the side of the road. The melt is on and there were waterfalls everywhere. What a beautiful time of the year this is!!
We sailed through Seattle with hardly a slow down and we were at the border at 4:30. Only away a week but it was a great week. Off to Alaska in 12 days, yeah!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

We are at Toppenish, Yesterday we went over to the motel for breakfast. That was included in our rally fee. Then we came back to the rig and put everything away and said our good byes to everyone. Since another Washington Unit rally is not scheduled we may have seen some of these people for the last time. We pulled out of the park at 10:30 and we pulled in here at 10:30.. a hard day's driving hee hee. It was a dull day on the cool side so we waited until about 5 to go to the pool. We kept hoping it would warm up. We spent an hour between the hot tub and the showers. Ken went into the pool but I wasn't that brave. We had supper here in the rig. We have perishables on board that we have to consume before we head home. Ken had a nice long chat with Jennifer. We paid for cable but we sure do miss CBC news and hockey. The coverage in this country is certainly different. We slept in this morning and had a leisurely breakfast.We plan to tour around today and will probably go to the Casino for the buffet tonight. We will head back to BC tomorrow unless the weather is very hot in which case we will stay another day.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The wind has quit, Hip Hip Hurray!! We started the day being laid back and lazy. Around 10:30 we headed into town. We took Judy and Phil with us. We luckily found a great parking spot and we explored the Farmers Market. It was on 2 city blocks and there were those canopies all along the sides of the streets which were blocked off for the market. There were lots of crafters and sellers. Then we headed for the statue of the bull which is in the pavilion. I asked a local if he would take a group picture and be was happy to oblige. The pictures he took are good and I will send them off to everyone when we get back to Abby. The group was going out to lunch but we decided to come back to the rig to eat. Ken puttered around with the CB and I finished the toque I was working on. Soon it was time to change for the catered dinner. Ken did a presentation for the golfers We finished the evening by playing card bingo. Between us we won eight dollars. Our table won at least half of the hundred dollars. Another day has come to an end. Tomorrow it is off to Toppenish.

Friday, May 18, 2012

This was a great day. I have always wanted to know about those wind farms and this was the day to find out all about them and get my questions answered. It was great. They are truly amazing. For lunch we went to a little place called Vonage. The service was slow but the food was great. Seniors don't mind if service is slow but we do mind if the food is not good.:-) Ken went golfing this afternoon and I had a nap. This evening was the ice cream social and we were entertained by fiddlers, and we had a sing along. Now we are catching up on e-mail and just relaxing. The wind is still blowing!!
It was cool yesterday but we had a great time. Our first trip was to a telephone museum and it was really interesting. Just 2 doors away was an antique shop and I found a porcelain toast rack. Ken collects them. He now has 5 but they are all metal so this was exciting . We had lunch together in Cle Elum and then we drove to Roselym where we visited a coal mining museum. This was quite the community. The TV series Northern Exposure was filmed here.Bing Crosby's brother was born here,they had the first black Mayor in Washington.There was a serious mine strike and the company imported hundreds of African people to work in the mine and break the strike, and that explains the presence of Blacks in this area.. There is a large cemetery there and we visited it after the museum. There are actually 26 cemeteries because people were divided in death. Each ethnic or religious or social group had their own cemetery. We drove back to Ellensburg and dropped Les and Linda off. (We had driven them). Then we went to Dollar Tree where I found the craft supplies I was looking for. We all went to a near by restaurant for dinner . Great Day!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

On the Road Again

well we are on the road again. Actually we are parked right now. We left Abby on Tuesday morning and we crossed the border in just a few minutes then we headed down I 5. Of course we had to stop at Camping World. Ken got a new volt meter. His other one was stolen when the rig was broken into. Then we stopped at Walmart and got groceries.We always has to buy fresh food because we don't even try to guess at what is allowed into the states anymore. The drive down was great, beautiful weather. We arrived here in Ellensburg around 4 and of course that was happy hour so we had to quickly park and go to visit. I did most of the visiting while Ken hooked everything up. The group went out to dinner at a place called The Palace.I was not impressed. One of the specials was a fish taco. I had never had one but I decided to give it a try. It was by far the worst fish I had ever tasted. It was as if they had taken a chunk of old salt cod, took the salt out and then let it get hard again. That is the only time I have ever returned something I had ordered. I had the soup and a small green salad instead. We returned here, watched a bit of TV . They have very few channels here at the park so ther is really nothing to watch. I am a news junkie but Ken hates to watch US news channels. It was early to bed and up early because Ken had golf. I spent a most relaxing day. We ate all of our meals in the rig. We bought all of that food so we have to eat some of it. The wind has been blowing a gale all day. The trailer is rocking as I type. TV is not good but the internet connection is pretty good. It is great to see everyone again but we learned that 2 of our members have died this week. Larry was older and he had a severe stroke. Linda was a young woman. She is the gal who taught me to make the ribbon necklaces. She put up a brave fight against lung cancer but she lost the fight. It is scary. She didn't even have a cough or any symptoms and the doctor discovered she had cancer and it was already stage 4 with no symptoms. It makes you wonder if you are very sick and you don't even know there is a problem. We have a tour of a telephone museum and a coal mine tomorrow. They are in Cle Clum, which is about a 20 minute drive from here. It should be fun.