Thursday, February 1, 2018

One More Day

January 30 and 31st

These have been 2 glorious relaxing sea days. The weather has been cool and not very sunny which was disappointing. The internet has been spotty and that is why the report is late.

My cough and cold continued to improve which was a good thing.

We were so full from the 29th in the grill that we ate very little during the day of the 30th. But we did make up for it in the evening. I love escargot and that was on the menu along with lobster tail. Both Ken and I were happy about that. Fred hot his one scoop of sorbet in a martini glass so he was happy too.

The new production show was about dance and all the different types of dance. They used a lot of the new technology that was put on board during the refit. It is really quite spectacular.

This morning we had breakfast in the dining room and then went to the theatre for the presentation on Ensenada. We will be there tomorrow.

After that we stayed in the theatre and took in the culinary show. It was a lot of fun. Great comic action and very little cooking.

We were still full from breakfast so we shared an apple for lunch. Then we headed to Explorers Lounge to take in the final art auction. We had not attended one yet this cruise so it was today or never. Perhaps we should have stayed away because we purchased a set of three paintings by Wendy Schaefer-Miles and Kevin Miles. They are beautiful and we have no idea where we will hang them. The plan is to have them shipped in a tube and to frame them ourselves when we get home. Will we never learn?? This is our favorite one. White birch is so east coast!

We then went down to the international café for specialty coffee and a couple of cookies.

Before we knew it time had come to dress for dinner.

We got picture of Maryella and Roberto .our waiters.

After we arranged to pay for the art we went topside to see the full moon. It was glorious.

Another day had come to an end.

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