Monday, July 31, 2017

Day One

Wow Wow Wow, I guess I have to begin at the beginning and that is not easy. So much to report on.
We slept very little last night. It was warm and the air conditioner was noisy and of course we were not at all excited… yah right.
I am sure I was awake at least ten times. We finally gave up and got up around six.  We got ready and went downstairs around 6:35 and as soon as we reached the lobby our ordered taxi was pulling up outside. The trip to the train station was about ten minutes long and because it was so early there was no traffic to worry about. As soon as we pulled up to the station staff arrived and took our luggage and lead us into check in.

 The staff was so welcoming and so efficient.  They even gave us a wonderful Rocky Mountaineer pin. I went to the gift shop and got a hat for Ken. They were serving juice and coffee. The people watching was amazing and we were hearing lots of different accents. They announced an all aboard ceremony and I managed to weasel my way to the front to get pictures of the staff and the piper.

Then All Aboard was announced and we made our way to car number 8. We are the second last car so we have a good view of the entire train as it rounds a corner.
The first order of business was introductions of the staff and then the safety procedures and of course the washrooms.

We were served a grand juice and then we were told about breakfast and we were in the first group to go downstairs to the dining room. Breakfast really was gourmet. We were seated at a table for 4. First we were served coff and we had time to peruse the menu. It was wide and varied. I chose the fruit parfait and Ken choose the eggs benedict. Before the breakfast arrived we were served coisants and a wonderful fruit cup. We visited with our table mates. Coffee kept coming as did juice and water and tea.
I took lots of pictures of the food.
We were no sooner back when they declared that it was noon somewhere and they began to take drink orders. Ken had rum and I had sparkling wines. As soon as the drinks arrived one of the attendants came with snacks to go with our drinks. I am certain I will have to walk all evening to get rid of the calories. The really do spoil us.
There are 20 cars and 2 engines making up this train. There are 550 passengers and 60 attendants working on the train.
As we travel we are informed of where we are and what the claim to fame for the area .
WOW what a great day.
Before we turned twice they were back offering more beverages. I passed this time. After breakfast and almost to lunch time we went along Hells Gate. I happened to be out on the viewing platform and I got some amazing photos… I Hope.

We were called for lunch and right away they served wine. For a main course both Ken and I had salmon, the people we sat with… farmers from Australia… had the beef and chicken. There was more wine offered and there was coffee and a chocolate cake and ice cream dessert. I was like a volcano cake only better. By now we were so full. Then we returned to our seat in the dome car to enjoy the view.
The smoke is really terrible and as a result it is hard if not impossible to see the mountain tops. It is supposed to be hot today but the air conditioning makes it quite comfortable.
We are in Kamloops tonight.

We are at the Sandman Signature. It is a lovely room and it is too bad that we have to leave so early in the morning and cannot spend time enjoying it.

We went for a short walk and the smoke is so bad that it was less than an hour before our throats were beginning to hurt. You cannot even see the mountains.

We have a wake up call for 5:45 so this has to be a short night.


sandy in spain said...

where's the "smoke" coming from? or is it the train engine?

Comquot said...

There are over 200 forest fires burning in BC.