Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day one

We checked into our hotel and before we knew it we were ready for bed. The trip was not bad but we were tired none the less. The bed is very comfortable and they have very nice pillows. I love fluffy pillows. I woke up around five and had to force myself to stay in bed. The 2 hours made my body think it was time to get up. Anyway we finally got up around 7:30. Ken had a shower and a chat with Joan and soon we were on our way to breakfast. It was quite nice. I had a hard boiled egg and lots of fresh pineapple. We visited with a young couple from China. They were very pleasant and it made for an interesting breakfast. We went to the conseirge and found out where to meet our Hop On Hop Off bus. We gathered our things and away we went. It seemed gray at first but soon the sun appeared and I was sorry that I brought a jacket. The tour was great and the staff was very pleasant. we saw lots of the island and we made it to see the Diamond Head light. Unfortunately you can't visit it. But we took that bus route twice and got good pictures as we drove past it. I got too much sun and was looking quite red by one o'clock. I stayed out of the sun for the rest of the day.We saw amazing scenery and I even managed to get a picture of a local cardinal. On the way back from the bus we stopped at a ABC store. We picked up a 1.5 liter of our favorite Zinfadell for 8.99. Amazing price. We will enjoy that on our balcony tomorrow. I just called and arranged for a taxi to take us to the pier tomorrow. The Sapphire Princess is in port today. Tomorrow we board The Ocean Princess. We will go out for dinner this evening. On the way back here we passed what looked like a nice little place only a couple of blocks away.

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