Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Busy day again!!

So far we are having a very nice mix of rest and activity. Yesterday i taught 5 of the ladies to make Boo Boo Bunnies and in the evening the group went out for Pizza. Ocean Park pizza is still our favorite, Today I went golfing for the first time in years. It was a full sized course, but only nine holes which was a good thing. Even though we had a cart, at the end of the game my pedometer registered 3 miles. I did a lot of zig zagging and ball hunting. But I did have fun and hopefully I will get to go again real soon. The group went to lunch together. It was taco Tuesday in town. After golf Ken and I spent some time in the pool. Soon it was time for happy hour. Then after supper we went for a walk around the grounds and did a lot of visiting. Another day comes to an end.

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