Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 2 in Rio,February 17/2012
What an amazing day this was. We began by having the breakfast here in the hotel. It was very good with so very many choices. We met a nice couple from Australia. His name was Ross. I gave him a card. Next we met with the group in the lobby. The bus arrived and away we went. First was a quick tour of the area and then off we went to The Christ the Redeemer statue. It is so very amazing. Over 100 feet tall. We got there by COG train which was an experience in itself. The only bad part was the crowds. There were hundreds of people there. They were standing on the walls and posing. So very dangerous. Next we went to a tour of the beaches, Lots of semi clad ladies. The next stop was the cathedral of Rio. Such an amazing feat of architecture. There is nothing like it and you must see it to believe. For lunch we went to a Brazilian barbecue. It is actually a buffet and waiters bring meat and side dishes to your table. So much food, I don’t know who could eat it all. Next we headed for Sugar Loaf and we went all of the way to the top on the gondola. I shopped and bought a little sandstone dish and a post card. After another look round the city we headed back here to the hotel. It was around 4:30 when we got here so we decided to change and go to the beach and the pool. We could not believe how grand it was. But boy was the water ever cold!! Next stop the pool and the hot tub. It was nice and warm but not sunny. We met a very nice couple and we had a meal with them. It turned out that they are also light house hunters so we had a great visit. She has researched it and we will be passing several lighthouses during this cruise. Then it was back to our room. Great day again.!!

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