Thursday, June 27, 2013

On the Road Again

Well things were looking kind of unsure up until a couple of hours ago.
You see Ken and I planned to travel back to Nova Scotia this summer. Our goal was and is to attend the 50th reunion of our graduation from the Nova Scotia Teachers College. It is hard to believe that we graduated 50 years ago . But we did, the class of 1963.
Anyway it looked as if we may not be able to go because the doctors discovered that I am the proud owned of a kidney stone measuring 24mm by 17 mm. That is a biggie!!
It was decided this morning that we can take our trip and I will see the specialist and make arrangements to have the surgery to have the stone removed when we return. The appointment is September 23rd and the surgery will be in early October.
We will leave here on Tuesday! Hip hip hurray!!